The Databaseology Lectures - Fall 2015


Embedded databases: They're the boxer briefs of the database world in that they are underneath a wide variety of applications, including mobile devices, high performance OLTP systems, and large distributed systems. Given this, we have another season of stellar technical talks coming to Carnegie Mellon University in Fall 2015. The Databaseology Lectures is a semester-long seminar series featuring speakers from the leading developers of embedded database management systems. Each speaker will present the implementation details of their respective systems and examples of the technical challenges that they faced when working with real-world customers. Cancel all of your other appointments, Tinder hook-ups, and parole hearings. You don't want to miss a single event!

Videos will be posted after each talk.

Time: 12:00pm

Location: CIC - 4th floor (ISTC Panther Hollow Room)

Organizer: Andy Pavlo

This seminar series is held in conjunction with the following groups at Carnegie Mellon:
