Alumna Prof. Leman Akoglu wins SDM best-paper award!
Posted: May 7, 2015 ┃ Category: Awards

SCS and database group alumna Prof. Leman Akoglu wins prestigious ‘best paper’ award! Leman is an assistant professor at Stonybrook (phd CMU ’12), and she attracted the award at SDM, one of the flagship data mining conferences. The full citation is
Where Graph Topology Matters: The Robust Subgraph Problem
Hau Chan, Shuchu Han, and Leman Akoglu. SIAM SDM, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 2015.
The contributions are fast, practical algorithms to find well-connected sub-graphs, within a large, real graph, as well as a novel, intuitive measure of connectivity.
Warmest congratulations, Leman – very well deserved!