CMU Database Post-Doctoral Researcher Position (Fall 2017)
Posted: June 19, 2017 ┃ Category: Annoucements

The Carnegie Mellon Database Group has an opening for a fully-funded post-doctoral position on database management systems at its Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania campus. The position is to assist with the research and development of CMU’s in-memory HTAP DBMS (Peloton) as part of the Intel Science and Technology Center for Visual Cloud Systems.
The post-doctoral researcher will be expected to develop their own research agenda within the scope of the position, design and implement novel analysis techniques, conduct experiments, supervise students on the research team, and assist in developing further collaboration projects with industry. There is no teaching duty associated with this position.
The position is nominally scheduled to start in September 2017 and is for 18 months (with the possibility for extension depending on funding).
Applicants must have the following qualifications:
- Hold a PhD in computer science that is focused on databases, operating systems, or distributed systems.
- Demonstrated ability to work independently and collaboratively with students.
- Established research publication record in top-tier database and systems conferences (e.g., SIGMOD, VLDB, OSDI, SOSP).
- Strong C/C++ proficiency and experience in system programming on large code-bases.
Preferential consideration will be given to applicants with implementation experience in database management systems. The position is available for applicants currently residing in either the US or abroad. You do not need to be a US citizen to apply.
Salary is comparable to that of post-doctoral positions offered in the United States
How to Apply
To apply for this position, please use this form. Be sure to include evidence of past systems programming experience (e.g., Github account info). You also need to include the contact information for two people who can serve as a reference.
Informal inquiries should be sent to
Announcement Posting: June 19th, 2017
Application Deadline: September 1st, 2017
Start Date: Fall 2017
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