Prof. Christos Faloutsos wins PAKDD Distinguished Contributions Award
Posted: May 14, 2018 ┃ Category: Awards

Prof. Christos Faloutsos attracted the PAKDD Distinguished Contribution Award, in the upcoming PAKDD 2018, in Melbourne, Australia.
Quote from the conference web site:
The Steering Committee considers it an honor to award the PAKDD Distinguished Contributions Award for 2018 to Professor Christos Faloutsos, for his many seminal contributions to the field of data mining, including time series matching, network analysis, graph computation, and their scalability. Especially notable is his highly successful program in showing how strong mathematical results can be used to design highly original and novel data mining algorithms. He has also provided tremendous service to raising the visibility of PAKDD conference through publishing multiple high impact papers over the years.
The award ceremony is scheduled for June 5, 2018, where Prof. Faloutsos will deliver the acceptance speech.