Joy Arulraj Wins SIGMOD Jim Gray Dissertation Award
Posted: April 27, 2019 ┃ Category: Awards

Pittsburgh, PA — The Carnegie Mellon Database Group is pleased to announce that CS alumnus Prof. Joy Arulraj (now faculty at the Georgia Institute of Technology) has won the 2019 ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Dissertation Award. This honor is conferred for the best dissertation in the field of databases for the previous year. Joy’s thesis, entitled “The Design and Implementation of a Non-Volatile Memory Database Management Systems”, is based on his work exploring new DBMS architectures for NVM. This was work done in collaboration with Intel Labs as part of the Intel Science & Technology Center for Big Data.
Joy’s research findings were also was published in 2019 as the book “Non-Volatile Memory Database Management Systems” from Morgan & Claypool.
The awards ceremony is on Thursday July 4 at the 2019 SIGMOD Conference.