
[Vaccination 2021] Under the Hood of an Exadata Transaction – How Did We Harness the Power of Persistent Memory? (Jia Shi)

Event Date: Monday May 3, 2021
Event Time: 04:30pm EDT
Speaker: Jia Shi [INFO]

Title: Under The Hood Of An Exadata Transaction - How Did We Harness The Power Of Persistent Memory?

Persistent memory is a new silicon technology, adding a distinct storage tier of performance, capacity, and price between DRAM and Flash. The persistent memory is physically present on the memory bus of the storage server resulting in reads at memory speed, much faster than flash. Writes are persistent, surviving power cycles, unlike DRAM. Oracle has engineered Exadata Smart PMEM Cache and Exadata Smart PMEM Log capabilities with Intel Optane Persistent Memory to achieve this significant boost in Oracle Database OLTP performance. We will describe the engineering details of their implementation in Exadata and how Oracle’s software development teams are innovating with this technology.

This talk is part of the Vaccination Database Tech Talk Seminar Series.

Zoom Link: (Password 809013)

Jia Shi is Vice President of Exadata Development at Oracle. Exadata is an engineered system that provides the best performance, scalability and high availability for running all types of Oracle Database workloads!

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