

Amazon Redshift: re-innovating cloud analytics


Mon Nov 25, 2024


02:00pm EDT



In 2013, Amazon Web Services revolutionized the data warehousing industry by launching Amazon Redshift, the first fully-managed, petabyte-scale, enterprise-grade cloud data warehouse. Amazon Redshift made it simple and cost-effective to efficiently analyze large volumes of data using existing business intelligence tools. This cloud service was a significant leap from the traditional on-premise data warehousing solutions, which were expensive, not elastic, and required significant expertise to tune and operate. Customers embraced Amazon Redshift and it became the fastest growing service in AWS. Today, tens of thousands of customers use Redshift in AWS’s global infrastructure to process exabytes of data daily. In the last few years, the use cases for Amazon Redshift have evolved and in response, the service has delivered and continues to deliver a series of innovations. This talk presents on the evolution of Amazon Redshift over years. We discuss the areas of investment in Amazon Redshift (security and availability, performance, storage and compute elasticity, autonomics and serverless, and integration with the other AWS services) in parallel with how the customer requirements changed over these years.

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Ippokratis Pandis is a VP/Distinguished Engineer at Amazon Web Services, currently working on Analytics and Relational services. Ippokratis spends a lot of his time in Amazon Redshift. Redshift is Amazon’s enterprise cloud data warehouse service. Previously, Ippokratis has held positions as software engineer at Cloudera, where he worked on the Impala SQL-on-Hadoop query engine, and as member of the research staff at the IBM Almaden Research Center, where he worked on IBM DB2 BLU. Ippokratis received his PhD from the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Carnegie Mellon University. He is the recipient of Best Demonstration and Test-of-Time awards at SIGMOD, ICDE and EDBT. He has served as PC chair of DaMoN, HPTS, ICDE and SIGMOD, as well as General Chair of SIGMOD 2023 and the president of HPTS.