[Building Blocks] Exon: A Built for Purpose Bioinformatics Database (Trent Hauck)
Without having to implement every component of a database engine, it’s now feasible to build databases that can lean into the idiosyncrasies of specific domains to deliver a better user experience. Exon is one such databases. Thanks to DataFusion, Exon can deliver a complete database, but also have capabilities bridge the gap between bioinformatics and database systems. In this talk I’ll discuss some of the features that make Exon specially adapted to biodata and how those features come about due to DataFusion’s ability to be extended.
This talk is part of the Database Building Blocks Seminar Series.
Zoom Link: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/95283696582 (Passcode 787637)
Trent is the owner and operator of WHERE TRUE Technologies. Before starting WHERE TRUE, he built large-scale data platforms for bioinformatics companies.