

[Databaseology 2015] Keith Bostic (WiredTiger)


Thu Sep 10, 2015


12:00pm EDT


CIC - 4th floor (ISTC Panther Hollow Room)


Keith Bostic

WiredTiger is a fully ACID, new generation embeddable data store, architected to provide transactional scalability and superior throughput on modern hardware. WiredTiger is deployed behind Amazon Web Services, and is the principal storage engine for MongoDB’s cross-platform document-oriented database product.

In this talk, Keith Bostic, a senior engineer at MongoDB and a co-architect of WiredTiger, will describe the original design goals for WiredTiger, including considerations made for heavily threaded hardware, large on-chip caches, and SSD storage. We’ll also consider some of the latch-free and non-blocking algorithms WiredTiger implements, as well as other techniques to improve scaling, overall throughput and latency. Finally, we’ll take a look at WiredTiger future features and directions.

Part of The Databaseology Lectures 2015 Seminar Series

Keith Bostic was an architect of both the Berkeley DB and WiredTiger NoSQL embedded database systems. Mr. Bostic co-founded Sleepycat Software, the first dual-license Open Source software company. Sleepycat Software was acquired by Oracle Inc., and the Berkeley DB product line forms a core component of Oracle's embedded software strategy; WiredTiger was acquired by MongoDB Inc., and the WiredTiger engine is the principal storage engine for MongoDB's cross-platform document-oriented database. Keith Bostic was a member of the University of California Berkeley Computer Systems Research Group, where he was the architect of the 2.10BSD release and a principal developer of 4.4BSD and related releases. In this capacity he lead the effort to create an Open Source version of BSD UNIX, which led to the FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD releases. Mr. Bostic co-designed and implemented the 4.4BSD log-structured file system and was the author of the widely used vi implementation, nvi. Mr. Bostic was the recipient of the USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award ("The Flame"), which recognizes singular contributions to the UNIX community, as well as a Distinguished Achievement Award from the University of California, Berkeley, for making the 4BSD release Open Source.

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