

PDL Visit Day 2019: Luis Remis (Intel)


Tue May 7, 2019


12:45pm EDT


CIC - 4th floor (ISTC Panther Hollow Room)


Luis Remis

We introduce the Visual Data Management System (VDMS), which enables faster access to big-visual-data and adds support to visual analytics. This is achieved by searching for relevant visual data via metadata stored as a graph, and enabling faster access to visual data through new machine-friendly storage formats. VDMS differs from existing large scale photo serving, video streaming, and textual big-data management systems due to its primary focus on supporting machine learning and data analytics pipelines that use visual data (images, videos, and feature vectors), treating these as first class entities. We will describe how to use VDMS via its user friendly interface, and how the system integrates with the rest of the components for E2E Visual processing that are ongoing work at Intel Labs.

Luis Remis is a member of the Systems and Software Research Group at Intel Labs, where his current research involves Cloud Systems for Visual Data. He has been working on the Visual Data Management System project since it inception. He holds an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), where he was a Research Assistant working on graph processing using heterogeneous platforms. His industry experience includes being part of the Modeling team at the Aerospace Division at INVAP from 2012 to 2014, where he worked on R&D for radar signal processing using graphics accelerators, and being part of the Autopilot team at Tesla Motors in 2015.

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