

Quarantine DB Talk 2020: Splice Machine – An HTAP DB at Scale


Mon Aug 10, 2020


04:30pm EDT



Speaker 1

Daniel Gómez Ferro

Speaker 2

Yi Xia

Emerging modern applications routinely depend on data at scale for AI and ML and therefore require HTAP (Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing) database systems to make real-time business decisions.
In this talk, we would like to introduce Splice Machine, an HTAP DB at scale, our mission and architecture. We will also dive into the topics of our transaction mechanism, query optimization and dual execution engine support.

Zoom Link: (Password 264771)

Daniel Gómez Ferro: Daniel is the Chief Architect at Splice Machine. In the past he was a Research Engineer at Yahoo Research on the Distributed Computing group, where he worked on distributed transactions and practical fault tolerance.

Yi Xia: Yi is the Optimizer Lead at SpliceMachine. She had 10+ years of experience in query optimization. Before joining Splicemachine, she was an engineering manager at Teradata.