
Seth Proctor (NuoDB)

Event Date: Thursday October 2, 2014
Event Time: 12:00pm EDT
Location: CIC - 4th floor (ISTC Panther Hollow Room)
Speaker: Seth Proctor (CTO, NuoDB)

Title: Current And Future Challenges In Data Management

NuoDB is a relational, transactional database built around a fundamentally new architecture. The distributed nature of the system means that in addition to tackling traditional database problems it’s well-suited to support some new problems emerging in enterprise deployments. This talk will start with a short introduction to what makes NuoDB different, what the motivation was for the architecture and what that means you can do with it. From there the discussion will turn to a few next-generation problems, both specific to NuoDB and more general in the data space.

Part of the “Seven Databases in Seven Weeks” Seminar Series:

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