

[Time Series Database Lectures] Paul Dix (InfluxDB)


Thu Sep 14, 2017


12:00pm EDT


CIC - 4th floor (ISTC Panther Hollow Room)


Paul Dix

InfluxDB is an open source time series database written in Go. This talk will introduce how InfluxDB structures time series data and what makes it different from other use cases like OLTP. We’ll then go into the internals of the storage engine we wrote from scratch, the Time Structured Merge Tree, heavily inspired by LSM trees. In addition to the raw time series storage, InfluxDB has an inverted index to quickly lookup time series metadata. Previously, we keep this index in memory, but recently we added functionality to the storage engine to keep this index on disk.

Part of Time Series Database Lectures 2017 Seminar Series

Paul Dix is a Co-Founder of InfluxData, Inc. (also known as Errplane) and serves as its Chief Technology Officer. Mr. Dix served as Chief Executive Officer of InfluxData, Inc. He has helped build software for startups and large companies and organizations like Microsoft, Google, McAfee, Thomson Reuters and Air Force Space Command. He is the Series Editor for Addison Wesley’s Data & Analytics book and video series. In 2010, he wrote the book Service Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails for Addison Wesley’s Professional Ruby series. In 2009, he started the NYC Machine Learning Meetup, which presently has over 7,000 Members. Mr. Dix holds a Degree in Computer Science from Columbia University.