
[Vaccination 2021] LeanStore: In-Memory Data Management Beyond Main Memory (Viktor Leis)

Event Date: Monday April 12, 2021
Event Time: 04:30pm EDT
Speaker: Viktor Leis [INFO]

Title: LeanStore: In-Memory Data Management Beyond Main Memory

LeanStore is a high-performance OLTP storage engine optimized for many-core CPUs and NVMe SSDs. The goal of the project is to achieve performance comparable to in-memory systems when the data set fits into RAM, while being able to fully exploit the bandwidth of fast NVMe SSDs for large data sets. In this talk, I will present most of the important techniques used by LeanStore, including its low-overhead buffer manager, scalable synchronization primitives, optimized B-tree indexes, and an efficient logging and recovery implementation.

This talk is part of the Vaccination Database Tech Talk Seminar Series.

Zoom Link: (Password 809013)

Viktor Leis is a Professor at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg. His research revolves around designing efficient database systems and includes core database topics such as query processing, query optimization, index structures, and storage. Viktor received his doctoral degree in 2016 from the Technical University of Munich, where he worked on the main-memory database system HyPer. Currently, he leads a team developing LeanStore, a high-performance storage engine for fast flash.

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