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Monday August 28th, 2017
Session I: 10:30-12:00
10:30-11:00: Single Instruction Multiple Data — Not Everything is a Nail for this Hammer
David Broneske, Universitat Magdeburg
11:00-11:30: Timestamp-based Concurrency Control in SDD-1

Phil Bernstein, Microsoft
11:30-12:00: Lessons from RDF-3X and HyPer
Thomas Neumann, TU Munich
BREAK: 12:00-13:30
Session II: 13:30-15:00
13:30-14:00: XML and XQuery: The Cure for All Data (Not)
Yannis Papakonstantinou, UC San Diego
14:00-14:30: Set Similarity Joins: Bit Vectors To Improve Verification?
Willi Mann, University of Salzburg
14:30-15:00: XML and Object-Oriented Databases
Eric Sedlar, Oracle
BREAK: 15:00-15:30
Session III: 15:30-17:00
15:30-16:00: Cache is not always King

Tirthankar Lahiri, Oracle
16:00-16:30: The Morphological Trials of StreamInsight: Packaging Matters

Jonathan Goldstein, Microsoft
16:30-17:00: Design Decisions in BerkeleyDB/Sleepycat

Margo Seltzer, Harvard