News & Events
CMU team wins ‘test of time’ award in ECML/PKDD 2015
The paper details are: Jure Leskovec, Deepayan Chakrabarti, Jon M. Kleinberg, Christos Faloutsos: Realistic, Mathematically Tractable Graph Generation and Evolution, Using Kronecker Multiplication. ECML/PKDD 2005: 133-145 ECML/PKDD is one of the top data mining conferences. Both Jure and Deepayan were SCS phd students in 2005, advised by Christos, while Jon was on sabbatical at CMU. Both Jure and Deepayan are now tenure-track faculty, at Stanford and U.Texas-Austin, respectively. The paper showed how to generate realistic graphs, using recursion and self-similarity. Read More
Yasuhiro Fujiwara (NTT)
The abundance of data available these days demands techniques to process and manage data in an effective manner. Clusters are extracted groups of data object. Finding and using clusters are popular techniques for unsupervised discovery of hidden structures from complex datasets which are revealed by a large size of data. Since clusters are used in a variety of application domains, many techniques have been proposed that reduce the computational cost. In this talk I will introduce three recent studies that Read More
[Databaseology 2015] Keith Bostic (WiredTiger)
WiredTiger is a fully ACID, new generation embeddable data store, architected to provide transactional scalability and superior throughput on modern hardware. WiredTiger is deployed behind Amazon Web Services, and is the principal storage engine for MongoDB's cross-platform document-oriented database product. In this talk, Keith Bostic, a senior engineer at MongoDB and a co-architect of WiredTiger, will describe the original design goals for WiredTiger, including considerations made for heavily threaded hardware, large on-chip caches, and SSD storage. We'll also consider some Read More
The Databaseology Lectures – Seminar Series (Fall 2015)
The CMU Database group is holding a semester-long seminar series with the leading developers of embedded database management systems. The Databaseology Lectures is designed to showcase some of the newer technologies available for embedded and mobile applications. Each speaker will present the implementation details of their respective systems and examples of the technical challenges that they faced when working with real-world customers. The list of confirmed speakers are: Sep 10 - Keith Bostic (WiredTiger) Sep 17 - D. Richard Hipp Read More
SCS Distinguished Lecture — Michael Stonebraker (MIT)
This Turing Award talk intermixes a bicycle ride across America during the summer of 1988 with the design, construction and commercialization of Postgres during the late 80’s and early ‘90’s. Striking parallels are observed, leading to a discussion of what it takes to build a new DBMS. Also, indicated are the roles that perseverance and serendipity played in both endeavors. Read More
[Databaseology 2015] Richard Hipp (SQLite)
SQLite is a full-featured embedded SQL database engine, and the world's most widely deployed and used database engine. The design and implementation of SQLite is different from most other RDBMSes, since SQLite strives to solve a different problem. This talk describes the problem that SQLite solves and overviews the design choices and algorithms that SQLite uses in its unique role. Part of The Databaseology Lectures 2015 Seminar Series Read More
Takashi Katoh (Fujitsu Laboratories)
Shoes platform analyses sensor signals and gives meaning to them. You will easily get user's actions and health conditions without requiring troublesome calculation by the mechanism. Our prototype shows the actions such as "walking", "standing" and so on with the time and the place. Read More
[Databaseology 2015] Igor Canadi + Mark Callaghan (Facebook)
RocksDB has been adapted to a wide range of workloads. Early adopters needed a DBMS for low-latency & high-throughput workloads. Using RocksDB as an embedded DBMS eliminates network latency per request. When using RocksDB with a fast SSD we are able to get more IO throughput compared to other open-source DBMS that we use in production. We continue to get new uses and new requirements for RocksDB. Faster average performance isn't sufficient for OLTP, we also need minimal variance in Read More
Alumna Prof. Leman Akoglu wins SDM best-paper award!
SCS and database group alumna Prof. Leman Akoglu wins prestigious 'best paper' award! Leman is an assistant professor at Stonybrook (phd CMU '12), and she attracted the award at SDM, one of the flagship data mining conferences. The full citation is Where Graph Topology Matters: The Robust Subgraph Problem Hau Chan, Shuchu Han, and Leman Akoglu. SIAM SDM, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 2015. The contributions are fast, practical algorithms to find well-connected sub-graphs, within a large, real graph, as well Read More
[PDL Visit Day 2015] Hideaki Kimura (HP Labs)
The Machine is HP's next-generation server with intriguing and disruptively different designs. This talk provides a high-level summary of Hewlett-Packard's recent efforts to change the history of computers and briefly introduces a few research projects in our group, including the speaker's own project to develop a new DBMS for 1,000 cores and NVRAM. Read More