

[¡Databases! 2022] Odyssey: PostgreSQL Connection Proxy! (Andrey Borodin)


Mon Oct 3, 2022


04:30pm EDT




Andrey Borodin

In hypertext world connection proxies is a must for many decades now. And in many cases this idea works for databases too! Today almost any busy OLTP Postgres instance have to use some sort of proxy: old but gold PgBouncer, scalable Odyssey or entirely new SPQR\PgCat.

In this talk I’ll discuss what allows proxies to be useful, what Postgres hackers do to fix this and architecture of proxy that I maintain – Odyssey. Odyssey is a scalable multi-threaded connection pooler for PostgreSQL\Greenplum DB designed for the cloud in Yandex. Odyssey has a sophisticated asynchronous multi-threaded architecture which is driven by custom made coroutine engine. One of the main goal was to make codebase understandable for new developers and to make an architecture easily extensible for future development. Ideas behind the coroutine design and more detailed features overview will be presented during the talk.

This talk is part of the ¡Databases! – A Database Seminar Series.

Zoom Link: (Passcode 424050)

Andrey is an engineer, PostgreSQL and Greenplum contributor, Ph.D., and open source enthusiast. He is maintaining Odyssey connection pooler, WAL-G disaster recovery system and handful of other open source project.

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