[¡Databases! 2022] RisingWave: Reinventing(?!) Stream Processing in the Cloud Era (Yingjun Wu)
RisingWave is a cloud-native streaming database. Different from existing streaming systems, RisingWave fully leverages the modern cloud infrastructure to achieve high performance and scalability at a low cost. In this talk, I will walk you through the detailed designs of RisingWave, and discuss how we adopt some old ideas to build a next-generation streaming system.
This talk is part of the ¡Databases! – A Database Seminar Series.
Yingjun Wu is the founder and CEO of RisingWave Labs, a startup innovating next-generation cloud-native database systems. Previously, he was with AWS Redshift and IBM Research Almaden. Yingjun obtained his PhD from National University of Singapore. He was a CMU DB alumnus.
More Info: https://db.cs.cmu.edu/seminar2022#db8