

Summer 2017 Research Internships

Dec 18, 2016

The Carnegie Mellon Database Group is offering multiple internship positions for a special summer research project at its Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania campus. It will be an intense 12-week internship from June to August 2017. The project will be to work on a new open-source distributed database system from scratch. Thus, we are looking for candidates that have strong systems-level C/C++ programming skills. Interns will be paid a three-month summer salary (commensurate with skills and experience) and the cost of travel expenses. Read More

Fall 2016 Open Student Positions

Aug 14, 2016

The Carnegie Mellon Database Group has several open positions for students in the 2016-2017 academic year. These positions are only available to current and recently graduated CMU students. The positions that are funded will be marked as "paid" and are only available to current CMU students. The unpaid positions are more research related, and thus can be part of an independent study or senior thesis project that could turn into a publication. We especially encourage students who are interested in Read More

Summer 2016 Research Internships

Nov 1, 2015

The Carnegie Mellon Database Group is offering multiple internship positions for a special summer research project at its Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania campus. It will be an intense 12-week internship from June to August 2016. The project will be to work on a new open-source distributed database system from scratch. Thus, we are looking for candidates that have strong systems-level C/C++ programming skills. Interns will be paid a three-month summer salary (commensurate with skills and experience) and the cost of travel expenses. Read More

The Databaseology Lectures – Seminar Series (Fall 2015)

Aug 23, 2015

The CMU Database group is holding a semester-long seminar series with the leading developers of embedded database management systems. The Databaseology Lectures is designed to showcase some of the newer technologies available for embedded and mobile applications. Each speaker will present the implementation details of their respective systems and examples of the technical challenges that they faced when working with real-world customers. The list of confirmed speakers are: Sep 10 - Keith Bostic (WiredTiger) Sep 17 - D. Richard Hipp Read More

Summer 2015 Research Internships

Nov 17, 2014

The Carnegie Mellon Database Group is offering multiple internship positions for a special summer research project at its Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania campus. It will be an intense 12-week internship from June to August 2015. The project will be to develop a new open-source distributed main-memory database system from scratch. Thus, we are looking for candidates that have strong C/C++ and SQL programming skills. Interns will be paid a three-month summer salary (commensurate with skills and experience) and the cost of travel Read More

Seven Databases in Seven Weeks – Seminar Series (Fall 2014)

Sep 10, 2014

The CMU Database group is holding a semester-long seminar series with the leading developers of NoSQL and NewSQL database management systems. Seven Databases in Seven Weeks is designed to showcase some of the newer technologies available for front-end application developers today. Each speaker will present the implementation details of their respective systems and examples of the technical challenges that they faced when working with real-world customers. The list of confirmed speakers are: Sep 11 - Ankur Goyal (Director of Engineering, Read More