Polo wins dissertation distinction!
Oct 24, 2012
Prof. Polo Chau wins the SCS Honorable Mention for his dissertation. Polo defended his dissertation with title "Data Mining Meets HCI: Making Sense Read More
Lei Li wins distinction!
Jul 16, 2012
Dr. Lei Li (SCS, phd'11) won the prestigious KDD best dissertation award (runner up), for his dissertation "Fast Algorithms for Mining Co-evolving Time Series". KDD is the premier Data Mining conference, with high competition from the best research groups in the world. Lei's thesis developed novel algorithms for forecasting, clustering and missing-value imputation for time sequences in a broad spectrum of settings, from motion-capture sequences to data-center monitoring to computer network ``BGP'' traffic mining. Warmest congratulations Lei! Read More
U Kang wins a ICDM 2010 NSF Student Travel Award!
Nov 5, 2010
U Kang is selected for the NSF Student Travel Award to attend the International Conference on Data Mining conference 2010 in Sydney, Australia. The award includes US $865 to cover the expenses incurred for attending the conference. Congratulations U! Read More
PEGASUS graph mining system wins ‘open source software’ award!
Oct 13, 2010
SCS team wins 3rd position (silver prize) in the Open Source Software World Challenge 2010, among 26 competing submissions. The team consists of graduate SCS students Mr. U Kang and Mr. Polo Chau, and advisor Christos Faloutsos, with several more contributors, listed on the project web site. The award includes $2000, plus travel expenses to accept the prize. The PEGASUS system is able to mine billion-node graphs, using parallelism and specifically, 'hadoop'. Code, documentation, instructions video and related papers are Read More
Leman Akoglu wins a Google ECML/PKDD 2010 Conference Grant!
Sep 24, 2010
Leman Akoglu wins the Google Conference and Travel grant for the ECML/PKDD 2010 that is offered to two female students to encourage more female computer scientists to attend and participate in the ECML/PKDD conference. The grant includes free registration for the main conference and up to 300 Euros for travel costs from Google. Congratulations Leman! Read More
Leman Akoglu wins the ‘best paper’ award in PKDD09
Sep 24, 2010
We are delighted to announce that Leman AKOGLU attracted the Best Knowledge Discovery Paper award in PKDD 2009, out of 105 papers that were accepted in the conference, and out 422 submissions. The paper was also accepted for publication in the Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal, for the ECML PKDD 2009 special issue. The paper is titled RTG: A Recursive Realistic Graph Generator using Random Typing by Leman Akoglu and Christos Faloutsos, ECML PKDD, Bled, Slovenia, Sep. 2009. ECML/PKDD Read More
Jure wins the ACM SIGKDD Dissertation Award!
May 21, 2009
Prof. Jure Leskovec wins the prestigious ACM SIGKDD dissertation award! Jure defended his dissertation in MLD in September of 2009. The title is "Dynamics of Large Networks that hold for real graphs as well as several powerful tools to study blogs instant-message networks social networks like LinkedIn and other types of real graphs. ACM SIGKDD is the premier society for data mining research and the above award is the highest distinction for a Ph.D. dissertation in the area. The award Read More
Polo wins Yahoo KSC Program Award
May 15, 2009
Mr. Polo Chau wins a Yahoo Key Technical Challenge grant! The grant is awarded to a limited number of exceptional Ph.D. students and it carries a gift of $5,000 unrestricted funds to support their research activities. The award also includes an exclusive invitation to the KSC graduate student Summit, where Polo will have the chance to get feedback and interact with some of the best Yahoo scientists. Congratulations, Polo! Read More