

Carnegie Mellon Database Group Wins 2018 IEEE ICDM Test-of-Time Paper Award

Nov 11, 2018

Singapore - The Carnegie Mellon Database Group is pleased to announce that their 2009 paper PEGASUS: A Peta-Scale Graph Mining System - Implementation and Observations has won the 2018 IEEE ICDM Test-of-Time Award. The authors were CMU Ph.D. students U Kang and Charalampos Tsourakakis, in collaboration with Prof. Christos Faloutsos. This paper on the PEGASUS project showed how to apply graph-mining algorithms on a Map-Reduce platform. The main insight was that a wide range of graph mining algorithms eventually require Read More

Hardware Accelerated Database Lectures – Seminar Series (Fall 2018)

Sep 3, 2018

The CMU Database group is holding a semester-long seminar series with the leading developers of DBMSs designed for modern hardware (e.g., GPUs, FPGAs, ASICs). The Hardware Accelerated Database Lectures is designed to showcase some of the newer technologies available for data-intensive applications. Each speaker will present the implementation details of their respective systems and examples of the technical challenges that they faced when working with real-world customers. The list of confirmed speakers are: Sep 6 - Nima Negahban (Kinetica) Sep Read More

Carnegie Mellon Database Group Wins 2018 SIGMOD Best Paper Award

May 22, 2018

Houston, TX — When the dice are down on the pass and you are coming up with sevens, that's when you know your research is truly on point. No need for squabbling, no need for additional rolls. You got it done right the first time. The Carnegie Mellon Database Group is pleased to announce that their latest paper SuRF: Practical Range Query Filtering with Fast Succinct Tries has won the 2018 SIGMOD Best Paper Award. The paper's lead author author Read More

Prof. Christos Faloutsos wins PAKDD Distinguished Contributions Award

May 14, 2018

Prof. Christos Faloutsos attracted the PAKDD Distinguished Contribution Award, in the upcoming PAKDD 2018, in Melbourne, Australia. Quote from the conference web site: The Steering Committee considers it an honor to award the PAKDD Distinguished Contributions Award for 2018 to Professor Christos Faloutsos, for his many seminal contributions to the field of data mining, including time series matching, network analysis, graph computation, and their scalability. Especially notable is his highly successful program in showing how strong mathematical results can be Read More

Prof. Andy Pavlo wins 2018 Joel & Ruth Spira Teaching Award

Apr 6, 2018

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania — A great philosopher was once asked what their ultimate goal was. Without a notice of hesitation, the philosopher replied that right now he did not feel that he was getting what he wanted. But at some later point when he received a small amount of accolades, then that was when the world would know that it is on. Indeed, this is because (without trying to brag too much) he knew that he had something that the world Read More

Prof. Andy Pavlo wins 2017 Google Faculty Research Award

Mar 20, 2018

Mountain View, California — Science is a dirty game. People get hurt. Marriages get broken. Mix tapes get dropped. But in the end one is able to move humanity forward and make a difference. This is why we do database. This is why we get up in the morning for the research grind. Maybe there is a better life out there, but frankly we do not want to hear it. Given this, the CMU Database Group is pleased to announce Read More

Prof. Andy Pavlo wins Sloan Research Fellowship

Feb 15, 2018

New York City, New York — No one can escape the vicissitudes of life. We all know that going into this. We are driven to do one thing and one thing only: Databases. But this means that we will never ask, but instead just give. We are afforded the opportunity to wake up every morning and say to ourselves "today is the greatest day because I get to work on databases." Given this, the CMU Database Group is pleased to Read More

Summer 2018 Research Internships

Nov 22, 2017

The Carnegie Mellon Database Group is offering multiple internship positions for a special summer research project at its Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania campus. It will be an intense 12-week internship from June to August 2018. The project will be to work on a new open-source distributed database system from scratch. Thus, we are looking for candidates that have strong systems-level C/C++ programming skills. Interns will be paid a three-month summer salary (commensurate with skills and experience) and the cost of travel expenses. Read More

CMU DB Wins ICDM 2017 ‘Best Paper’ Award

Oct 19, 2017

The CMU Database Group and the University of Porto (Portugal) won 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Best Paper award for their paper: TensorCast: Forecasting with Context using Coupled Tensors Miguel Ramos de Araujo, Pedro Manual Pinto Ribeiro, Christos Faloutsos This research provides a fast and effective algorithm to forecast the evolution of a tensor (like who-publishes-where-and-when), given additional, side information (like who has been co-author with whom). Read More

Time Series Database Lectures – Seminar Series (Fall 2017)

Aug 28, 2017

The CMU Database group is holding a semester-long seminar series with the leading developers of time-series database management systems. The Time Series Database Lectures is designed to showcase some of the newer technologies available for data-intensive applications. Each speaker will present the implementation details of their respective systems and examples of the technical challenges that they faced when working with real-world customers. The list of confirmed speakers are: Sep 14 - Paul Dix (InfluxDB) Sep 21 - Karthik Ramasamy (Heron) Read More