CMU team wins ‘test of time’ award in ECML/PKDD 2015
Sep 8, 2015
The paper details are: Jure Leskovec, Deepayan Chakrabarti, Jon M. Kleinberg, Christos Faloutsos: Realistic, Mathematically Tractable Graph Generation and Evolution, Using Kronecker Multiplication. ECML/PKDD 2005: 133-145 ECML/PKDD is one of the top data mining conferences. Both Jure and Deepayan were SCS phd students in 2005, advised by Christos, while Jon was on sabbatical at CMU. Both Jure and Deepayan are now tenure-track faculty, at Stanford and U.Texas-Austin, respectively. The paper showed how to generate realistic graphs, using recursion and self-similarity. Read More
Alumna Prof. Leman Akoglu wins SDM best-paper award!
May 7, 2015
SCS and database group alumna Prof. Leman Akoglu wins prestigious 'best paper' award! Leman is an assistant professor at Stonybrook (phd CMU '12), and she attracted the award at SDM, one of the flagship data mining conferences. The full citation is Where Graph Topology Matters: The Robust Subgraph Problem Hau Chan, Shuchu Han, and Leman Akoglu. SIAM SDM, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 2015. The contributions are fast, practical algorithms to find well-connected sub-graphs, within a large, real graph, as well Read More
Danai invited to ‘2014 Rising Stars’ workshop!
Jul 29, 2014
Danai is invited to the 2014 Rising Stars in EECS: An Academic Career Workshop for Women, which will be hosted by UC Berkeley's EECS Department on November 3rd and 4th, 2014. This workshop will bring together approximately 40 outstanding EECS graduate and postdoctoral women, for two days of scientific/technical information exchange and career-oriented discussions on topics including the pros/cons of academia, finding a faculty position, and keys to success as a junior faculty member. Danai will have the opportunity to Read More
Alex and colleagues produce one of KDD ‘best 9 papers’
Jul 29, 2014
The paper CatchSync : Catching Synchronized Behavior in Large Directed Graphs, by Meng Jiang, Peng Cui, Alex Beutel, Christos Faloutsos and Shiqiang Yang, was selected for fast-track publication, as one of the 9 best papers that will appear in KDD'14. The paper describes a novel, automatic method to spot lock-step behavior in large social networks. Lockstep behavior is usually a sign of fraud. Meng was a post-doc visitor at CMU, working on anomaly detection in large graphs. Congratulations, Alex and Read More
Danai invited to Heidelberg Laureate Forum
May 10, 2014
The Forum brings together winners of the Turing Award and Nevanlinna Prize (CS), as well as the Abel Prize and Fields Medal (math) for a week in Heidelberg. An international committee of experts selected 100 successful CS candidates from more than 40 countries around the world. Congratulations, Danai! Read More
Miguel, Stephan, Vagelis, Danai: Win ‘Best Student Paper’ Distinction in PAKDD’14.
Apr 30, 2014
SCS team and BBN and ARL collaborators win 'best student paper runner up' award, at PAKDD'14. The citation is: The paper describes a novel algorithm to spot time-evolving communities in large datasets. PAKDD is one of the top data mining conferences. The award ceremony will be on May 15, in Tainan, Taiwan. Congratulations! Read More