Flavio Figueiredo wins 1st place in two out of the three tasks of the ECML/PKDD Predictive Analytics Challenge
Oct 3, 2014
Flavio was a visiting scholar with the database group at SCS during 2014-15. The challenge was to predict the popularity of a web page time series using 1h of data. Popularity was measured in the number of visits, Facebook likes and mentions the page receives on Twitter. The target time for predictions was 48h. Thus, given 1h worth of activity, the task was to predict the popularity (= amount of activity) of a page, for the next 48 hours. Flavio's Read More
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks – Seminar Series (Fall 2014)
Sep 10, 2014
The CMU Database group is holding a semester-long seminar series with the leading developers of NoSQL and NewSQL database management systems. Seven Databases in Seven Weeks is designed to showcase some of the newer technologies available for front-end application developers today. Each speaker will present the implementation details of their respective systems and examples of the technical challenges that they faced when working with real-world customers. The list of confirmed speakers are: Sep 11 - Ankur Goyal (Director of Engineering, Read More
Danai invited to ‘2014 Rising Stars’ workshop!
Jul 29, 2014
Danai is invited to the 2014 Rising Stars in EECS: An Academic Career Workshop for Women, which will be hosted by UC Berkeley's EECS Department on November 3rd and 4th, 2014. This workshop will bring together approximately 40 outstanding EECS graduate and postdoctoral women, for two days of scientific/technical information exchange and career-oriented discussions on topics including the pros/cons of academia, finding a faculty position, and keys to success as a junior faculty member. Danai will have the opportunity to Read More
Alex and colleagues produce one of KDD ‘best 9 papers’
Jul 29, 2014
The paper CatchSync : Catching Synchronized Behavior in Large Directed Graphs, by Meng Jiang, Peng Cui, Alex Beutel, Christos Faloutsos and Shiqiang Yang, was selected for fast-track publication, as one of the 9 best papers that will appear in KDD'14. The paper describes a novel, automatic method to spot lock-step behavior in large social networks. Lockstep behavior is usually a sign of fraud. Meng was a post-doc visitor at CMU, working on anomaly detection in large graphs. Congratulations, Alex and Read More
Prof. Andy Pavlo wins SIGMOD Jim Gray Dissertation Award
Jun 30, 2014
Snowbird, Utah — When champions are made, it is a momentous occasion that is often heralded by the alignment of stars in the heavens. Notable events such as this are often marked by women becoming prone to weep with joy and children singing songs about it for years to come. In this vein, the CMU Database Group is proud to announce that their very own Prof. Andy Pavlo has won the 2014 SIGMOD Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation award. This prestigious Read More
Danai in the news!
May 24, 2014
Danai and the Microsoft researchers Paul Bennett and Eric Horvitz studied information-seeking behavior and access to alternative versus reinforcing viewpoints for strongly polarizing topics. In particular, they analyzed the search and browsing behavior on the gun control debate following a shocking news event, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. The paper is at: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.1486v1.pdf The MIT Tech Review article is at: http://www.technologyreview.com/view/527311/sandy-hook-the-gun-control-debate-and-the-insidious-influence-of-the-filter-bubble/ Other press coverage includes: http://www.technology.org/2014/05/13/ideological-internet-bubbles-stay-strong-study-shows/# Read More
Danai invited to Heidelberg Laureate Forum
May 10, 2014
The Forum brings together winners of the Turing Award and Nevanlinna Prize (CS), as well as the Abel Prize and Fields Medal (math) for a week in Heidelberg. An international committee of experts selected 100 successful CS candidates from more than 40 countries around the world. Congratulations, Danai! Read More
Miguel, Stephan, Vagelis, Danai: Win ‘Best Student Paper’ Distinction in PAKDD’14.
Apr 30, 2014
SCS team and BBN and ARL collaborators win 'best student paper runner up' award, at PAKDD'14. The citation is: The paper describes a novel algorithm to spot time-evolving communities in large datasets. PAKDD is one of the top data mining conferences. The award ceremony will be on May 15, in Tainan, Taiwan. Congratulations! Read More
DB alumni mentioned in the MIT technology review!
Dec 18, 2013
Prof. Hanghang TONG (MLD phd) and Prof. Leman Akoglu (CSD phd) worked on analyzing the correlation between quality of questions and quality of answers, in "stack-overflow" - their paper is on the web: http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.6876 The MIT-tech-review article can be found at http://www.technologyreview.com/view/522171/data-mining-reveals-the-secret-to-getting-good-answers/ Congratulations, Hanghang and Leman! Read More
U Kang is chosen as finalist, for the KDD-dissertation award!
Jul 26, 2013
Prof. U Kang, SCS Alumni, is chosen as the finalist for the 2013 KDD Dissertation Award, which is the highest honor for a data mining thesis. His dissertation is titled "Mining Tera-Scale Graphs: Theory Read More